Technical Problems for Mac OS X Users - Minimising Window



Minimising Window
by BileGhost     [ 05 January 2009 - 8:13 am ]
I love this game, but I have one nitpick. In other Mac games, I can use CMD H to hide the game, effectively minimising it so I can use other applications (like checking email / MSN Messenger). This key combination doesn't do anything in Bug Defender, and I can't work out any other way to minimise the game. Any help?
Thanks :)
by passumquoddy    [ 02 June 2009 - 4:53 am ]
get out of full screen. Run in a window and stretch it to max, then cmd H will work.
by BileGhost    [ 03 June 2009 - 6:56 am ]
Yes I could do that, but I was hoping for a more elegant solution. Inability to minimise or hide a full screen window seems to stretch across many Mac games and programs.
by Aidan    [ 03 June 2009 - 7:02 am ]
The Cmd H combo is a feature incorporated in the operating system for windowed applications - there's nothing implemented in the game for this to work. It doesn't work for fullscreen applications.

I'll look into implementing it for future versions of my games on Macs.
by BileGhost    [ 04 June 2009 - 3:42 am ]
"The Cmd H combo is a feature incorporated in the operating system for windowed applications - there's nothing implemented in the game for this to work. It doesn't work for fullscreen applications."
Yes I'm aware of this. It is my biggest annoyance of the OS. How could an operating system built on consistency not have a standard for this? Some games use CMD H, others use CMD F, and some even use CMD Enter or Option/Alt Enter. I would like to see a standard instead of individual application, but just having it in the first place is a good step.

"I'll look into implementing it for future versions of my games on Macs."
Sounds good. Remember the difference between hide and minimise, and which ever you program does I suggest a key combo that shows it, ie CMD H if it hides, or CMD M if it minimises to the dock.

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