SUPPORT - Cheveree Deluxe. Speed


Cheveree Deluxe. Speed
by Diane E.     [ 22 April 2020 - 9:25 am ]
I got a new computer and since installing, the game is w
extremely slow. I can get through all levels without using up
any of the tokens. Not fun. and definitely not a challenge. how do I fix?
by Aidan    [ 22 April 2020 - 9:26 am ]
What compuater are you running the game and what operating system?
by Diane E    [ 23 April 2020 - 3:16 am ]
It’s a macOS 10.14.4. The other was also a mac
by Aidan    [ 23 April 2020 - 3:21 am ]
Ok thanks. I'll look into this when I get a chance.

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