FORUM - Backgammon?


by Tim     [ 21 February 2008 - 7:03 am ]
have you ever thought about adding a backgammon game? based on what I've seen you folks would be a natural at it.
by Aidan    [ 21 February 2008 - 8:12 am ]
I started one a while back, but never completed it - the problem is the artificial intelligence - its pretty complicated. Maybe at a later date, but no plans to do more at the present time.
by Tim    [ 04 March 2008 - 8:23 am ]
Well, if you ever do keep Mac computers in mind. There are great programs out there, but most are for Windows. I gave up on Gates and his stupid OS's. Too much crap you have to do in order to keep it running (oxymoron). Tium

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