Rankings calculation update (Sept 2019)

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Rankings calculation update (Sept 2019)

Post by Aidan »

I've updated the rankings calculations slightly so players get punished less if they lose against players of lower rankings.

You can play with the calculations here.
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Re: Rankings calculation update (Sept 2019)

Post by SunnyCorner »

The problem with changing the weighting will be prolific players getting higher and higher and reducing the chances of new players reaching the top. This will be a short term fix but detrimental in the longer run as the gaps get bigger and bigger. I'm starting to think that the only fair system will be fixed term - possibly monthly - where the chances of winning are more evenly spread. This gives an incentive to play and should prevent the nonsense we have now where a few players at the top will only play with each other.
There could possibly be a ranking system - (counting the times a player finishes in top 10 maybe?) - on the back of it? The scores then become less important and we can get back to having good, skilful games.
Scores could be zero'ed and a simple 3 - 2 -1 - 0 started at the beginning of each month? I honestly can't see any other realistic solution the self destructive behaviour of a small minority.
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Re: Rankings calculation update (Sept 2019)

Post by Butchdude »

Regardless of what is done, the few players at the top will still only play games with each other because many become very impatient with less skillful players like myself who don't practice the nuances of the game. The best players only want to play with other great players unless there's an occasional very patient person who will tolerate lower skill levels. Sometimes, I think that the best players will play with lower ranked players just for the purpose of boosting their own scores because they know that they will win. I can't blame them for any of this because I would probably do the same if I were in their position.

Also, the adjustment for playing with lower ranked individuals isn't adequate because when I took a chance and played with lower ranked people who just don't play often, I lost about 7 points. Also, it seems that if there is a tie and two people win, the losers get docked much more severely. I don't understand this. I sense that Adan doesn't have the interest in fine tuning any of this any time soon.
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Re: Rankings calculation update (Sept 2019)

Post by Aidan »

I can fine tune the rankings easy enough as it does not involve releasing a new version. The calculations can be worked out on the page mentioned previously. Those with time (my main problem) can play with them, see exactly how the adjustments are calculated, and suggest improvements that I will look into.
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Re: Rankings calculation update (Sept 2019)

Post by jbruch »

The problem is not solved and for players new to the game it is only getting worse as the top scores increase.

I don't understand what was wrong with the previous scoring system where it seemed scores could only go to a certain level. I recall that 1650 was a pretty good score and your score went up and down based on how you were playing, not how frequently you played.

I think Ice's suggestion is better than the current system though I would prefer the old system that was in effect when I initially started playing 3 years ago or so.
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Re: Rankings calculation update (Sept 2019)

Post by king101 »

Hi Aiden, something is amiss I fear with the scoring. I have played 5 games and come in 2nd each time and lost a point each game. I have looked at your version of the calculation and find it cumbersome.

Why deduct points from those of us who work overseas without internet or for whatever reason choose to be absent for a bit.????

Can you correct the scores where I came in 2nd and lost points and position. Hard enough to get a game at 4054 without losing points for coming in 2nd.
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Re: Rankings calculation update (Sept 2019)

Post by Naisyalam »

Strange. My ranking has gotten worst if I were to play with the lower ranks. Worst than before your adjustment. Not better as you have mentioned. I was almost 5600 but now I have gotten back to the 54XX range. LoL. Also. The connection has gotten way buggier lately. So many crashes.
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Re: Rankings calculation update (Sept 2019)

Post by king101 »

Rankings are not as advertised. First, you do not get +2pts. for playing. I have now come in 2nd X 5games and 3rd X 1. This last against Django and Yoda. I lost points in all 6 games against higher ranked players above and
below me. I did lose 1 pt. each time which is not a lot but 2nd should not be punished. If I have to win to get above 4055, I will never get enough games in the history of the universe. Where does that leave me?

2nd. The game is getting buggier. I have a desktop iMac and fast internet (300 meg/s). When I exit the game, my computer shuts off and on restart it opens about 11 programs. Nothing else does this. Suggestions ??
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Re: Rankings calculation update (Sept 2019)

Post by king101 »

I found a back door answer to quitting hearts without it crashing my iMac. I go to "forums" and exit out of Safari.

Same problem today with scoring. Came in 2nd against higher ranked players and lost a point. I see that I can only get points now from winning (no more +2 points for playing). Hard enough to get a game to get points but to have to win to get points, ergo more games, is impossible.
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Re: Rankings calculation update (Sept 2019)

Post by king101 »

Hey Aidan,
This is King again. Played another 10 games and came in 2nd on 5. Still lost between 1 and 7 points for 2nd place with player who rank 2000 points above me. What gives. No more points for playing and 2nd gets hammered also. I see that at 158th place, I have 200 points to go before getting to 157. Is the Universe capable of spinning that long? It still takes most of an hour to get 2 games at this level.

Try to give me a reasonable answer.

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Re: Rankings calculation update (Sept 2019)

Post by SunnyCorner »

What has happened is exactly what I predicted at the top of the thread and it will only get worse as time goes on. The problem is compounded now as the gaps are so big it will be difficult to ever catch the Capt, or any of those not already in the top 15. Tweaking the scores down will at best simply maintain that status quo.

I still believe that fixed term scoring - probably monthly - is the only long term viable solution and it gives new players the chance to win. Without that incentive why would anyone join?

The scores should be zero'd and we can get back to skilful and enjoyable games without the constant distortions that the current scoring provides.

Regards. Ice
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Re: Rankings calculation update (Sept 2019)

Post by king101 »

I agree with ICE. The mere fact that I am stuck down in the 4200 area with zero hope of climbing out of that with the rate that higher ranked players disdain the lower class. I can sit there for an hour and try to get a game. Declare a winner (CAPT) and move everyone to the same score. Then give 2nd and 3rd place 2 points for playing, 1 point for 4th. Give the winner 7 points.

At least try it. Lots more games, more fun. That is the point of this anyway. No penalty for being absent from the board for a bit of time. If that doesn't work, we can move on and try something else. What is happening now is worse than fiefdoms.

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Re: Rankings calculation update (Sept 2019)

Post by king101 »

Seems like I am beating an old drum. Let's make the scoring so that the game is fun. It is a game. Economically, I have people who inquire on downloading as they see me play it on my iPad. I tell them NOW, to not bother since the point system will never allow full functionality and competition. We discuss a bit, and when they find out how the scoring has been, decide to download something else.

Make no doubt, you have the best heart game. However, the scoring is so imperfect that it makes getting a game, having a game and watching for the dreaded score seem like a chore and homework. I play enough games now to not get docked but play with the Avatars when I have a moment to stay sharp with play and counting cards.

You would sell more games and the new people ad a twist for those of us (I joined in 7/2015) that have some time. We have seen the evolution of the scoring make it a really boring game and not fun. Lots of hissy fits on screen and anger if you make a bad move. People tell you what you could have done, should have done, etc. Thought that the aim was to have fun. Loosen up on the points, 7 for a win, 2 for 2nd and 3rd, 1 for 4th. Start the whole scoring over again. Declare CAPT the winner and have monthly or 3 monthly totals be winners. I would happily recommend to others if the scoring was changed.
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Re: Rankings calculation update (Sept 2019)

Post by Aidan »

I have this topic open permanently in my browser and want to do some fixes for this, but still booked up doing other things at the moment.

Anyway just to let people know that at least the information is being read and considered.
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Re: Rankings calculation update (Sept 2019)

Post by king101 »

Good to hear that changes are being contemplated on the scoring. We await your decision.

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Re: Rankings calculation update (Sept 2019)

Post by Aidan »

Ok going to start working on changes to the scoring system now for Version 3.

All points above have been noted, thanks.

I've made a new thread for the new implementation and will close this one.