Version 3 - Suggestions

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Re: Version 3 - Suggestions

Post by Aidan »

Here's a suggestion: can you link all of the players in the game to the server in such a way that it's not dependent on the host to keep everyone connected. When a player who is not the host gets disconnected (or quits), a bot comes in. However, when the host gets disconnected (or quits), the game is nullified without any penalty to the host.
The bot is supposed to take over when the host quits also, although its a complicated procedure. Sounds like its not working. I'll have another look.
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Re: Version 3 - Suggestions

Post by Aidan »

I've noticed now that I show the current hand scores during play. I'm surprised I implemented this, as part of the skill of the game is to remember who has taken points and who has not, and this takes that skill aspect away. Maybe an option for this is needed? Or not?
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Re: Version 3 - Suggestions

Post by SunnyCorner »

I agree - it lowers the skill content.

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Re: Version 3 - Suggestions

Post by steveamida »

I disagree. If the objective is to increase the usage of the game and the number of users, by making the game more difficult for the average user the objective will not be reached. Thus the old saw, "Watch what you ask for, you may get it". There are precious few users now; making the game more difficult will drive yet more away. Thanks for your consideration.
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Re: Version 3 - Suggestions

Post by cenalex67 »

Aidan wrote: Apr 26, 2021 I've noticed now that I show the current hand scores during play. I'm surprised I implemented this, as part of the skill of the game is to remember who has taken points and who has not, and this takes that skill aspect away. Maybe an option for this is needed? Or not?
Hi Aidan
I think this could be a good idea.
Can the player enable or disable it?
Another good idea, to improve personal experience, could be to show a little icon that remembers the last pass. For example: Left arrow, right arrow, up arrow or X.
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Re: Version 3 - Suggestions

Post by Aidan »

could be to show a little icon that remembers the last pass
I was going to implement some pass direction arrow anyways so I'll probably extend this to either leave the pass direction arrow displayed or add some way that it can be shown again if desired.
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Re: Version 3 - Suggestions

Post by Aidan »

making the game more difficult for the average user
The idea is to make it a bit more like real life play, not more difficult. Skill should always be rewarded whenever possible.
making the game more difficult will drive yet more away
I don't think so. I think the main problem is the abuse and the rankings which I'm making a priority in this release to resolve.
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Re: Version 3 - Suggestions

Post by SunnyCorner »

I don't think its necessary to have little arrows indication the last pass direction! Remembering who you passed to, and what you passed, are very basic aspects of the game.

I also think its essential that all players can see the same information on screen as each other - especially whats being posted in chat. It can't be right that players can turn off/on different features when it suits them - particularly during the game - thats just not realistic.

It also might be prudent to remove most/all aspects from the current rules - with the exception of Old Moon or Ask. I've not seen them ever played intentionally. That could then be set to "Standard" which would be less confusing.

I don't particularly have a problem with displaying Old Moon or Ask for those who seem to have short-term memory issues but as the whole game is based on developing memory skills, all attempts to dumb-down should be rejected.

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Re: Version 3 - Suggestions

Post by SunnyCorner »

The game is good Aidan. Its the best version around and its part of a very entertaining platform. I congratulate you on it and I thank you for taking the time to consult with users about potential changes to the format.

There have been many players of the game over the years who have left because of the abuse and many new players leave because they can't get a game or climb to the top because of the weighted scoring system.The changes you propose address both of those issues and should be applauded and supported.

Regards. Ice
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Re: Version 3 - Suggestions

Post by Aidan »

The pass arrows / hands history / current hand score I will have to look into more. Maybe if a player enables some of these they could lose a point at the end of the game? Or have a learning number of games for beginners to be allowed to enable these features and then they get some rankings point reduction after the learning period expires? Just thoughts for now.
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Re: Version 3 - Suggestions

Post by HowCoolIsThat »

Speaking of issues, never mind. I applaud your efforts for any improvements (maybe). Can you possibly build-in an "eject button"?

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Re: Version 3 - Suggestions

Post by ChiGuy »

I hope the chat feature will continue. I love being able to visit ( in between play ) with those I am playing with. It makes it human, fun and more of a feel like playing cards with a group of friends. I know it makes some ticked off , so being to shut it off is a good idea. However it should not preclude those who wish to visit. I have made many friends playing this game. I hope it continues. Cheers. Scott
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Re: Version 3 - Suggestions

Post by nealb2 »

If all the tricks will be taken lay the cards down regardless if the queen has not been played. Stop the stupid delay just prior to the playing of the queen of spades.
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Re: Version 3 - Suggestions

Post by Aidan »

If all the tricks will be taken lay the cards down regardless if the queen has not been played. Stop the stupid delay just prior to the playing of the queen of spades.
Sounds good - will look into it.
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Re: Version 3 - Suggestions

Post by SunnyCorner »

Its time to lose the medals - even the worst players now have 5 gold and a silver/bronze so they convey nothing. They certainly don't represent skill levels, only reflecting that the player turned up a lot.

A better idea might be to show the % of wins and/or options to describe how the player rates themselves - competitive - casual etc. At the very least that conveys some useful information to other players?

Is it possible to list all players who are logged on, in the lobby "status" column. For example "sleeping" "available" and "playing"? That way we can see if its worth waiting for a game?

And finally - I do think its worth considering anonymising players in the lobby and during play. There are so many who won't play with each other its getting ludicrous. If there was no choice it would simply stop and you would have to play with whoever turned up. At least consider the option of being able to change your name at the beginning of each month at the start of each new competition?

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Re: Version 3 - Suggestions

Post by nealb2 »

Autocomplete games, tired of playing multiple cards knowing I will take all the tricks.
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Re: Version 3 - Suggestions

Post by Aidan »

I've cleaned up this thread a bit and removed all discussions about the new chat system as it has been implemented already and I'm moving on.

The chat situation is this: both free text chat and menu selection chat will be available in games. Free text chat is enabled by default. Players can opt to turn off free chat completely or just turn it off if playing specific players. If a player turns off free chat text then it will be turned off for all players.

The chat menu is quite extensive. You can also search the menu quickly by pressing the spacebar and then typing. This will hopefully address the worries people have about taking time to search the menus.

The free chat option will only be available during play and not in the lobby.
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Re: Version 3 - Suggestions

Post by Aidan »

There were some posts in the past about the bad distribution of cards (e.g. constantly getting an unnatural amount of one or two suits each deal) - is this still an issue?
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Re: Version 3 - Suggestions

Post by RSN123 »

Please, please fix this app. It is now taking over one minute just to load. Doesn't sound like much. Try sitting in front of your computer waiting for the app to open and instead end up just watching a color wheel spinning. No other app even comes close to this. I have no other game apps that may interfere with this app.
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Re: Version 3 - Suggestions

Post by Aidan »

This is a problem in V2 when the Statistics get too large. A fix has been implemented and will be in V3.
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