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Linux Version?

Posted: Apr 16, 2020
by wideaperture
Hi Aidan,

I'm a GrassGames Cribbage user from way back and recently thought to pick it up again, what with all the time at home we're all suddenly experiencing. I'm back to enjoying the game on the Mac, but will soon be transitioning to a Linux computer for work. Though I know it seems unlikely, I was wondering if you might have plans to introduce a Linux version at any point. I have searched for years and there's literally no cribbage game available at all for Linux, save for the old BSD Games version, which is a command-line application.

I realize that there may be little prospect of selling the application widely, given that Linux is an open-source ecosystem. But some developers do sell Linux software (Sublime Text being one example). And even if you didn't sell the application itself, I imagine you'd do a brisk business in subscription fees for the multiplayer service, especially given that your application would be the only cribbage game in the Linux ecosystem.

Just a thought! Hope you're well, especially during the current unsettled moment.

Re: Linux Version?

Posted: Apr 16, 2020
by Aidan
No plans at the moment, sorry.

I did play around with the idea some time ago, but decided against it in the end.

However I might look into it again if there is interest.

Re: Linux Version?

Posted: Apr 16, 2020
by wideaperture
No worries, it was just a thought. I do think there'd be some demand, though, given that this is literally only cribbage game available for Linux at the moment:


Another, maybe more broadly appealing possibility might be a web application?

Anyhow, whatever you decide, I really appreciate your maintaining this awesome game through the years.

Re: Linux Version?

Posted: May 27, 2020
by Aidan
I'm not sure what happened to that screenshot - post it up again if you still have it.

In the meantime, and largely due to your post, Solitaire 3D is now available for Linux.

I haven't figured out how to package it properly yet - that part is not easy on Linux at all, but hopefully it will run ok.

Re: Linux Version?

Posted: Dec 23, 2023
by wideaperture
Hey, thanks! For some reason your reply never popped up in my inbox, that's great. I will definitely take a look at Solitaire 3D on Linux. Thank you so much! The reason I returned was that I recently thought to try running GrassGames Cribbage on Linux through wine and it works perfectly. I don't know why I didn't think to try this earlier, but I thought I'd report back to say that it's indeed an option and might be worth mentioning in the documentation. Thank you, again!