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Intelligence card stacks

Posted: Jan 29, 2017
by robfar
Hi: In my first version of Solitaire 3D, playing Intelligence, the 3 card stacks were vertical. In the most recent version, my 3 card stacks are fanned. I don't like that. I have not been able to figure out how to return to the 3 card stacks being vertical. Any thoughts?

Re: Intelligence card stacks

Posted: Jan 30, 2017
by tmno2

Playing on the iPad, the options on the stacks are:-

I forget the available options for Windows and OSX, and have never seen the Android options, but I recall that I fell back to the Ipad when the fanned deals were similarly not to my liking, when using either my PC or MacBook Pro.

The Leaderboard activity leads me to think that the Ipad gives the best game times fairly consistently.

Others may be able to assist you beyond my offering.


Re: Intelligence card stacks

Posted: Jan 30, 2017
by robfar
Thanks, Terry-

I'm playing on a MBAir and the desktop does have the same options (Perfect, Neat, Human, Sloppy) as the iPad, but they don't seem to relate to the fanning of the stacks: rather, they seem to address the look of the cards within the fanned stack.

Thanks for trying, though---much appreciated:)

Re: Intelligence card stacks

Posted: Jan 30, 2017
by tmno2
Hi again,

I just woke up to the fact that the Ipad stacks are fanned as well, however using the PERFECT option seems to overcome those problems that I encountered on the other systems.

Give that a go and see what happens.


Re: Intelligence card stacks

Posted: Feb 02, 2017
by robfar
Hi Terry:

Got "Perfect" chosen but no change in the "Fan" look: cards are tidied-up but the fan design remains.

Thanks again

If I figure it out, I'll post- might have to go back to the earlier version.

Re: Intelligence card stacks

Posted: Feb 03, 2017
by robfar
Hi Terry:

I have found that, by going back and forth between the various options in Card Alignment and Card Spacing (that is, for example: choose "Perfect", then choose "Neat", then "Perfect", then "Neat", then "Perfect", then "Neat" etc etc and including "Human" and "Sloppy" for good measure) that the display changes incrementally without returning to a "fixed" stack pattern. That is to say "Perfect" seems to be slightly different every time I return to it: the other options as well. The apparent result is that, by going back and forth between the options, I seem to be, very incrementally, getting to the stack pattern that I want.

That's my experience now, for what it's worth.

