GrassGames Cribbage for Android?

For all support and comments on the game "GrassGames' Cribbage".
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GrassGames Cribbage for Android?

Post by endofcity »

Hi, I love GG Cribbage - it totally rules!

Do you habe any plans to make an Android version? Unforunately my wife has a Samsung tablet, not an iPad and she is constantly moaning that there are no good cribbage games available for it. This may end up meaning I have to buy her an iPad, so how about it? :)
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Re: GrassGames Cribbage for Android?

Post by Aidan »

I'll be starting Android game development next month. I've no idea how long it will take at the moment, but yes, it will be ready someday. I would expect a minimum of 3 months before anything is available though, possible more.
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Re: GrassGames Cribbage for Android?

Post by Yolande »

It is now July 2012. I am also looking for your cribbage on Android for my new Google Nexus 7. Any news about it?

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Re: GrassGames Cribbage for Android?

Post by Aidan »

The problem is the networking system. I'm in the middle of coding a new networking system, and that will need to be tested first on the existing platforms before I release the Android version. So it'll be some time yet I'm afraid.
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Re: GrassGames Cribbage for Android?

Post by captmorgan56 »

Are we any closer to an android version? I love your game, and there are no cribbage games for android worth anything. I have the pc version and would really like to see a android version for my galaxy tab 3.
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Re: GrassGames Cribbage for Android?

Post by Aidan »

A bit closer I guess - I'm currently doing new network updates for Hearts - when they are complete and I'm happy with network performance Cribbage will follow, including an Android version.

So no date yet, but I am working on this 100% in a way at the moment.
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Re: GrassGames Cribbage for Android?

Post by captmorgan56 »

Thank you Aidan.
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