What times do people play?!

For all support and comments on the game "GrassGames' Cribbage".
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Posts: 8
Joined: Jun 21, 2016

What times do people play?!

Post by ru29 »

Just trying to get a feel as to when most people play cribbage, per eastern standard time. I check on here multiple times a day and 99% of the time, no one is on. I thought about starting a facebook page for us to join to have better communication about getting games going. any info would be great.
Posts: 23
Joined: Mar 13, 2014

Re: What times do people play?!

Post by billy »

I tend to have same problem. I generally play late evening over here in UK. Not many other Brits on board and for those the other side of the pond its mainly daytime, when I guess most have other things to do. However I do get to play you sometimes on Hearts, so perhaps we can go to cribbage straight after. Also winters round the corner, and more likely to be around more often during my daytime hours. cheers Billy
Posts: 8
Joined: Jun 21, 2016

Re: What times do people play?!

Post by ru29 »

thanks for the reply, Billy! Sounds good. And yes, Hearts followed by a game of Crib would be great.
Posts: 3
Joined: Dec 31, 2013

Re: What times do people play?!

Post by Rudolph »

I usually play early in the AM , mountain time, before my bride gets up and wants to use the computer. Also sometimes later in the evening.
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