Klondike issues

For all queries specific to the Mac OS X version of Solitaire 3D.
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Klondike issues

Post by Jules »

I have been playing Klondike on my Studio Mac (OS 14.7). Several times when I won and scored in excess of 2,000 points only about 200 points are registered. Why is that?
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Re: Klondike issues

Post by tmno2 »

Hi Jules

I have not played Klondike, but have only looked at the scoreboard on the paid version of “Solitaire 3D”, and the scores registered in each of the “Week, Month, and week” fields, all of which fall into score field of 4 (four) ie., the scores registered between 2400 and 2560.
The same scoring configuration applies also in Klondike ( easier version ).
So the first question is are you playing in the free version rather than the paid version of “3D Solitaire” ?
If playing the paid version, the next most likely cause is, do you have the actual leaderboard image squeezed horizontally, so that you are cutting off the fourth digit of the scores visible in the display ?
Run your mouse pointer over the either of the left or right edges of the display, and when the pointer changes to an arrow, hold the right button to move outwards that edge of the display.
If that doesn’t cure the problem, then our boss “Aidan” will have to intervene.
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Re: Klondike issues

Post by Aidan »

Tmno's points sound good.
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