SUPPORT - logging off game


logging off game
by suzie     [ 14 September 2006 - 6:44 am ]
There is no where, or I missed it to completsly. when I click exit I get the white window to play the game. how do I completely log-off the game. sometimes it won't go away, even with task master. I get a black box, and a connection in the tray. that shows the game icon, sometimes the game balls namr is there, but it can't be closed. A lot of times my pc freezes or crashes.
by Aidan    [ 14 September 2006 - 6:48 am ]
Pressing the "Exit" button should completely leave the game - you can try pressing "Alt" "F4" also.

If it doesn't quit properly then something is going wrong - try uninstalling the game and re-installing it - other than that I cannot suggest anything else, sorry.
by Don Kissack    [ 09 July 2008 - 6:21 am ]
There is no exit button, only way for me to leave game is to quit (apple key Q) in other words there are no buttons to push. When game is complete, no way to start new game unless I quit on it. Seems like not a very good way to sell a game.
by Aidan    [ 09 July 2008 - 6:33 am ]
You need to press "Escape" after the game is finished to return to the main menu.

I'll add an exit button in the next version.

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